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Rocco Fazzari – Fake news or views

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In amidst of the battle of the “comb over” versus Comey and the allegations of fake news, there is one thing that could be held up to be factual. That being that all the President's problems lead to the door step of one man - Vladmir Putin. In fact it's arguable that in the complicated web of international politics all paths lead to his door. It's from this same door, once just merely an iron curtain, that the oligarch dictates with an iron fist. His sphere of influence includes billionaires and, as much as Donald Trump might deny it, now an American President. As Putin, along with millions of other curious onlookers, settled himself down to watch the live telecast of Comey's senate grilling one would wonder whether he was concerned that it would ultimately lead to the true extent of his “bromance” with the President. Is it too much of a stretch of the imagination to think that there must be something more to this Bromance than what we already know? Surely it can't all be fake news. Where as in the past it was the threat of nuclear armageddon, Putin's currents mix of soft diplomacy and bare chested rhetoric offers the bigger threat to the current administration. These two populist leaders have so much to offer each other that in our current listing of Pluto Populist Politicians they poll in the lofty top two positions. With their deep admiration for each other, they share many common traits not least being that they convey themselves as being “a man’s man”

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