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An interview with Flix

Go to:  Flix artist's page.

Explain where you get your inspiration from?
Much of my inspiration to create comes from the daily experience in the city, the constant transit through the street, sometimes becomes monotonous and gray, then every element ( walls, electric boxes, telephone booths,etc) I see in the street I take as part of the composition and I intervene it Transforming it into something else, through color, making that monotonous environment become a playful environment and invite the passerby to laugh, think and reflect

You use buildings and shapes as a canvas, whats the most difficult place you have ever created on?
One of the most difficult places in which I have created, was in an abandoned house facing the sea; Climbing the walls and debris, reached the first level of the house, once there the breeze was very strong and had to walk through sections where the floor trembled through the old house, and falling pieces of the floor and wall , Added to that there were parts of the wall where I had to go down and with one hand holding me and another with an extension to be able to paint parts of the wall, added to that, I had labyrinthitis and I was dizzy at times and had to take care of my nephew 5 years that always goes with me to paint. After all the odyssey we managed to paint the house (Attached Image - House Robot Dragon)

Where were you born?
I was born in the city of Caracas, Venezuela

Tell me when you first discovered your passion for your art?
I discovered the passion for art from an early age. I liked to paint everything that was within my reach. The walls of the house were full of drawings that my sister and I painted, once we found a spray can half empty, and with a hammer and a nail read perforated and it was a burst of color, and it was our first graffiti, heheh. It was a very revealing experience, except for my mother's scolding, hehe. That passion for art grew because I had the good fortune to grow up in an environment surrounded by art, since my parents and my sister perform activities related to art, my mother paints and sings, my father is a photographer and painter, and my sister also Is photographing and designing clothes.

Where did you get your inspiration from?
My inspiration to create, in addition to the interaction with the city; Comes from all that imaginary that I carry inside loaded with experiences, that are manifested when I am painting. In many of my creations are reflected the fusion of ancestral cultures and the futuristic elements of robotics, I really like that hybrid of past with future, which in turn are connected through geometry.

Its an interesting choice to take, have you ever felt much pressure to do something else?
I feel pressure when I have had to carry out other activities, such as the one I did some time ago in an office, where I worked as an architect.
I think I felt pressure, because I did not like what I did.
Instead when I am painting or creating, it is like a liberation, everything flows in harmony, it is like a meditation where I submerge myself and I abstract from everything that surrounds me

You must have some seem some interesting reactions from the public, please explain some of the ones that stick in your mind?
One of the most beautiful reactions of the public I remember very much was that of a fisherman In a fishing village in Paraguana, Venezuela , whom I proposed to paint the facade of his house, since it seemed very interesting to me how he had organized it with pieces of wood.
The house was painted for several months, so one day an accident happened and it burned, then months later I went back looking for the fisherman and took a photo that I had taken next to his house; He was very touched and between tears he hugged me and said, "I'm going to build my house again and I'll paint it just like you painted it"

You call yourself an observer, what does that mean?
It means that I am always analyzing, seeing what surrounds me, where sometimes people do not see anything, I see elements that come alive, that become visible through interventions. Every day I am seeing the potential of the elements that can be useful and that many times are the trigger for the compositions

Venezuela is a bustling busy city, have you ever felt unsafe or in danger while creating art?
Venezuela is unfortunately one of the countries with the most violence and delinquency in the world. When you go out on the street, you feel insecure all the time. But when I paint, I relax and attune myself to my art, and luckily nothing has happened to me

Your are starting to get noticed globally, how is that new status affecting you as an artist?
I am proud because what I want to transmit is reaching more and more people, and if I can not only change my immediate environment, but also the one of other places in other countries is very gratifying.
That encourages me to continue creating and doing things better, always maintaining humility and simplicity, which is why we should also characterize the artists.

Caracas is going through a transformation, is this a good or bad thing?
It is paradoxical, since Venezuela is a country with infinite resources and riches, and people live in poverty, because as always resources are mismanaged by their rulers. Caracas is going through a transformation, which has plunged it into darkness, since it has increased misery, violence, crime, corruption, there are shortages of medicines and food ... I am optimistic and I hope this situation changes. In what is within my reach I try to contribute by making interventions that sensitize people, and that are flashes of light in the midst of all that darkness.

What city would you like most to "create" in?
I think in all, hehe, since every city and its people has its magic and its particular charm

Whats coming up for you?
New and interesting projects.and I hope very soon to be able to create something interesting in your city :)!

How can people find contact you?
My email : flixflix5@gmail.com
My webpage: www.flix-flix.com
Instagram: @flixrobotico

Thank you very much for the opportunity and for the support!
A hug

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